❄ Lord Cerebus respawn time reduced and randomized. ❄ Adjusted drop of Rune of Shalox up some on the mobs that currently have it (design here is that you are not meant to get entire set unless you hunt after or do quest multiple times). This means mini-bosses now have a chance to drop these spawning items. ❄ Adjusted Lotorian Dungeon drop tables slightly to add Talazarian Emblem to the lower tier KC/EEO/BL/LP tables. ❄ +100% Soul damage to Dirk/Axe/Sabre of Many Souls ❄ Adjustments to Dirk/Sabre/Axe of Many Souls proc effects ❄ Symboled Blade of Destruction proc adjustment ➘ Robe of Dark Rites +20 STR and +28 INT.❄ Stat mismatch corrections - tooltips now accurate: ❄ Fixed typo in Legendary Wok stamina text. Just a bit of cleanup on spawns, drops, items, and the gauntlet event.