Hence dividing a 4TB hard drive into a 3TB partition won’t be an issue.
The limitation of the maximum partition size is no longer valid. Most video files are in excess of 4GB, and that makes copying files between/across FAT32 drives impossible. If you are a frequent downloader of Full HD videos or even a 4K videos from the net, you will understand my point pretty well. Now the file size is no longer limited to 4GB. NTFS negates a big disadvantage of the FAT32 drives in the form of max file size. NTFS has numerous advantages over the FAT32 (File Allocation Table), which are listed below: It wasn’t until the release of the good old Windows XP that NTFS became popular as a drive format. Both these Operating systems were built keeping Microsoft’s commercial clients in mind and hence failed to be popular among home users. NTFS is the newer file format among the two, which was introduced by Microsoft back in 1993 in their Windows NT 3.1 and the Windows 2000. And if you are still using FAT32 as your default format, we would recommend you to upgrade to NTFS due to a no of advantages listed below. We would be briefing you about the various data encoding formats before we get on with the real deal. Just in case you haven’t come across these terms, you needn’t worry cause we have you covered there. Instead, they come in FAT32 format, and you must have wondered why the hell do they still come in last gen format? It’s because most of the multimedia devices that we use in our daily life still doesn’t support NTFS.
But note that, most pen drives available in the market still doesn’t come formatted in NTFS by default.
These days, New Technology File System or NTFS is the most popular data format being used in most flash drives.